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The EIM will launch the most significant geographical expansion of the Western energy markets


The California ISO’s Energy Imbalance Market is Closer Than You Think!

With the CAISO FERC 764 market changes now in the rearview mirror, we can all draw a deep breath and look forward to the next big thing: the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market, aka the EIM. The EIM will launch the most significant geographical expansion of the Western energy markets since the launch of CAISO back in ’97.

Cal ISO looks to gain a more flexible portfolio of real time energy resources to augment the increasingly diverse, and increasingly renewable, resources within the state. External entities such as inaugural EIM participant PacifiCorp hope to gain added flexibility as well, including the ability to buy and sell energy in the real time energy markets and across area boundaries in a much more dynamic manner than in the past. The idea is that by increasing the overall fleet of available resources to (ideally) include much of the Western Interconnect, regional variations in load and generation will tend to cancel out across the area, keeping prices down and enhancing reliability. Many of the stakeholders will be watching this market launch very closely.

At EnDimensions, we have been tracking the evolution of the market structures and tariff provisions very closely. Having met the challenges of the FERC 764 changes with timely revisions to our EnSuite settlement and analytic products, we are now tooling up for a smooth transition to EIM! The EIM market will bring new requirements for scheduling and settlements, including new charges and changes to existing charges that our shadow settlement and analytics modules will respond to with aplomb. In addition, new EIM participants will find that the EnSuite Settlements products, together with expertise of our market experts, will provide for a clean and easy transition for those wishing to enter the market.

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